Cool Peel Laser Side Effects

Sure, there are various topical formulations to improve skin tone and texture, but these require months of consistent use to see visible results. And if you have stubborn acne scars, fine lines, or wrinkles, these may take even more time to lighten or reduce.

On the other hand, laser resurfacing treatments, like Cool Peel laser, can deliver significant and long-lasting results in a fraction of the time. It’s why more people are choosing non-ablative treatments to reduce the appearance of various skin issues like discoloration, wrinkles, and sun damage.

Cool Peel Laser Side Effects

If you’re dealing with shallow scars, non-responsive scars from a recent facelift, or age spots, you may be considering non-ablative treatment. But before you book an appointment, it’s important to understand how it works, the Cool Peel laser’s side effects, and how to take care of your skin before and after the procedure. Not to mention, you’ll want to choose the right practitioner to handle your Cool Peel laser treatment.

How The Cool Peel Laser Works

Unlike its predecessors, the Cool Pool laser is a non-ablative laser that uses microbeams to target specific areas. The microbeams vaporize tissue in small columns, only targeting certain areas of the skin to promote healing. This healing process is what stimulates the release of collagen, ensuring a smooth layer of skin.

The fractional ablative CO2 laser that’s used for Cool Pool resurfacing uses pulses of light to encourage the healing process. However, it doesn’t cause the thermal damage that’s often associated with CO2 laser treatment. Instead, it releases laser energy in short pulses so you remain comfortable without compromising on impressive skin resurfacing results.

Benefits of Cool Peel Over Traditional CO2 Lasers

There are a few major reasons why people are choosing Cool Peel over conventional CO2 laser treatments:

Reduced Discomfort

Compared to traditional ablative lasers, Cool Peel laser treatment is much less painful because it doesn’t cause thermal damage. Even though it delivers high heat, it does so in short pulses, preventing heat from accumulating in deeper tissues.

Less Downtime

While traditional CO2 laser treatments can provide comprehensive results, they’re accompanied by considerable downtime. In contrast, Cool Peel can provide fractional ablative treatment without the need for as much downtime.

Benefits of Cool Peel Over Traditional CO2 Lasers

To put things into perspective, if you get fully ablative CO2 laser resurfacing, you’ll need to wait about 2 weeks to return to work. You’ll also experience some redness that’ll take around 12 weeks to subside. Meanwhile, choosing Cool Peel means that you’ll only have to take a few aftercare measures, like staying out of the sun and avoiding strenuous exercise for 1 to 2 days. Other than that, you’ll be able to resume normal activities.

Great Results

Despite using a different approach, Cool Peel laser is a versatile treatment that’s suitable for addressing various skin concerns like acne scars, sun damage, and age spots. At the same time, you can expect results to last for months since it encourages the growth of new collagen and elastin.

Common Side Effects

Now that you know how the Cool Peel laser gives you impressive results, let’s take a look at some of the common side effects you should know about. These include both immediate side effects that subside soon after the treatment and short-term effects that take a few days to alleviate.  

Redness and Mild Swelling

Soon after the treatment, it’s common to experience mild swelling and redness in treated areas. Your skin will look as though it’s sunburned for about 24 to 48 hours. For an hour after treatment, you may feel a slight burning sensation in the treated area. Don’t worry, though, since this is a normal reaction and will subside quickly.

Irritation and Sensitivity

After treatment, your skin may become more sensitive, which explains why it may be more reactive to the environment. This is when you need to avoid excessive sun exposure and harsh exfoliants. Instead, use SPF products recommended by your dermatologists to manage heightened sensitivity.   

Milia or Acne

During the healing process, you may develop small, white bumps, called milia, in the laser-treated area. These usually appear about 2 to 4 days after treatment, though they usually subside within a week. You can also ask your dermatologist for advice on how to remove them.

Dry, Flaking, or Peeling Skin

For a few days after the Cool Peel laser treatment, your skin’s texture may become rough and flaky, as though it’s sandpaper. This indicates the treated tissue gradually coming off your face as new skin comes to the surface.

Dead skin flaking off is a common Cool Peel side effect and continues for about 3 to 4 days after your session. During this time, dermatologists recommend that you stick to mineral makeup to avoid irritating the skin.

Less Common Side Effects

While irritation and redness are common side effects, there are other less common side effects that can occur as well.

Pigmentation Issues

Research shows that postinflammatory hyperpigmentation is a rare yet potential side effect that can occur with the use of different laser treatments, including Cool Peel.  This occurs because of hypermelanosis, which is the result of dermal inflammation. This is a less common Cool Peel side effect that typically affects people with darker skin tones.  

Additionally, the risk of developing hyperpigmentation after laser treatment like Cool Peel is much higher when you seek treatment from an inexperienced provider or the wrong settings are used.

Infection Risks

Having an intact skin barrier is essential to prevent infections. However, Cool Peel laser treatment perforates the skin barrier, creating the risk of a potential infection after the procedure. Potential organisms that can infect the skin include viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Research also shows that there’s a possible risk of herpes simplex virus reactivation. This can delay healing and lead to severe scarring.

You can prevent the reactivation of herpes simplex cold sores by informing your doctor and asking them to prescribe antiviral medication. They’ll prescribe medication that you can take some time before and after your Cool Peel laser treatment.

Scarring and Other Complications

Like other forms of ablative laser treatments, Cool Peel carries a slight risk of scarring, particularly with improper use or seeing an inexperienced practitioner. Additionally, you may be prescribed topical formulations that should be used post-treatment. This can increase the risk of contact dermatitis from post-treatment products.

Factors Influencing Side Effects

While it’s common to experience some Cool Peel side effects like redness, irritation, and swelling, certain factors can increase your risk of developing side effects as well.  

Factors Influencing Side Effects

Skin type and tone

Your skin type and tone can impact the results of Cool Peel laser treatment. Studies show that people with darker skin tones face a greater risk of healing with hyperpigmentation. However, this can affect anyone who undergoes ablative laser treatment.

Having active acne, allergies, or other skin conditions can also affect the results of the Cool Peel laser. That’s why it’s recommended to speak with a licensed dermatologist to determine if it’s the right choice for you.

Pre-existing skin conditions and medical history

If you have a pre-existing skin condition, such as eczema, it can increase the risk of experiencing rare side effects. Similarly, if you have deep wrinkles or are currently on medications that could potentially damage the skin, it’s best to consult a specialist before undergoing Cool Peel laser treatment.         

Following pre- and post-treatment care

Your adherence to pre and post-treatment care instructions plays an important role in your susceptibility to side effects. When you visit the clinic for a patch test and book an appointment, your dermatologist will give you instructions on how to prepare your skin for the session.

Similarly, they’ll give you instructions and recommendations on how to look after your skin so as to speed up the healing process. How well you follow these instructions can affect what side effects you experience, as well as how quickly you heal.

Mitigating Side Effects

To reduce the risk of long-term side effects and speed up the healing process, it’s crucial that you follow post-treatment guidelines. Here are a few ways that you can mitigate Cool Peel side effects.

Mitigating Side Effects

Use An Ice Pack

Redness, irritation, and swelling are common Cool Peel laser side effects. Though these typically subside with time, you can apply an ice pack to reduce discomfort and swelling. You can continue using an ice pack during the healing process to reduce stinging and burning sensations.

Clean The Area Regularly

After the session, you should continue cleansing your face gently using cool water.  However, you should avoid aggressive scrubbing and abrasion, and don’t try to peel skin. Your practitioner may recommend performing vinegar soaks throughout the day by mixing a tablespoon of vinegar in a cup of cool water. Vinegar has antimicrobial properties that soothe the skin and allow it to heal.

Don’t Pick At Scabs

Because Cool Peel laser treatment encourages the production of new elastin and collagen in problem areas, you’ll notice scabs forming on your skin. Similarly, your skin may become irritated and itchy. When that happens, you need to fight the urge to scratch and pick at your scabs. Doing so could increase the risk of an infection and impact the healing process.  


After your Cool Peel laser treatment session, it’s recommended that you keep it hydrated by using a light moisturizer. However, you should avoid using your regular moisturizer and ask your dermatologist to prescribe something that’s formulated for use after laser resurfacing. Dry skin takes longer to heal, so keeping it moisturized can ensure a steady healing process.  

Avoid Harsh Exfoliants

Avoiding harsh exfoliants is an essential part of pre and post-treatment care. Your dermatologist will recommend that you avoid exfoliating your skin for at least one week before your Cool Peel treatment session. The same applies to post-treatment aftercare.

This means temporarily stopping retinoid creams, as well as lactic, salicylic, and glycolic acid. Exfoliating the skin can make it sensitive, which increases the risk of irritation and hinders the healing process.  

Avoid Strenuous Activity

There aren’t specific guidelines recommending that you avoid exercise before your Cool Peel treatment session. However, it’s best that you avoid intense workouts before sessions since sweating can lead to open pores. This can make your skin much more sensitive and cause greater potential discomfort.

After your treatment session, your skin will be more sensitive because of the Cool Peel laser. Although you can go back to your day-to-day routine, you’ll want to avoid intense physical activity. Strenuous activities that induce sweating could potentially lead to irritation and discomfort.  

Stay Out Of The Sun

Whether you’re getting laser resurfacing or laser hair removal, it’s essential that you avoid getting sunburned. In addition to avoiding tanning beds and sunbathing, you should reduce excessive sun exposure.

Studies show that even casual sun exposure can increase the number of melanocytes in the skin. These can increase the amount of pigment in the skin, which affects the laser’s ability to target key areas. It also makes you vulnerable to hyperpigmentation and burns. To stay on the safe side, stay out of the sun for three weeks before your session and at least a week afterward.

Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco

Avoiding alcoholic beverages and tobacco before your Cool Peel laser is an important part of pre-treatment care. That’s because they can contribute to inflammation in the skin, making your skin more sensitive to irritation by the elements.

Additionally, alcohol works as a blood thinner, making it similar to aspirin. Therefore, taking it in the days before the session can increase the likelihood of bruising and impact the healing process.

Stop Taking Medications That Affect Clotting

Once you book an appointment for Cool Peel laser treatment, your doctor will ask you to stop taking certain medications and supplements. These include aspirin, ibuprofen, and vitamin E, since they can affect blood clotting. To reduce the risk of bleeding and bruising after treatment, you’ll need to avoid taking these medications before the session.

See a Licensed and Experienced Professional

The best thing you can do to mitigate Cool Peel laser side effects is to see a licensed and experienced professional. Because the treatment in question is a cosmetic medical procedure, the practitioner should meet licensing requirements to provide services in your state. Moreover, they should regularly update and maintain their laser equipment so as to meet safety and performance standards.

Cool Peel Pre-Treatment Care

Though specific instructions on how to prepare your skin for Cool Peel laser treatment can depend on your age and skin type, here are a few general guidelines:

  • Arrive at the appointment with clean skin to prevent cosmetic products from interfering with the Cool Peel treatment process.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure for about 4 weeks before a session, and don’t use self-tanner for at least one week.
  • Inform your doctor about any pre-existing skin conditions or infections you may have.  
  • Stop using exfoliant skincare products for a week before your Cool Peel session.
Cool Peel Pre-Treatment Care

Cool Peel Post-Treatment Care

Though a major selling point of Cool Peel laser treatment is that it requires minimal downtime, you’ll still need to ensure post-treatment care. This means:

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure and intense exercise as it causes irritation.
  • Not touching the treatment area for at least one day, as it can interfere with the healing process.
  • Moisturizing your skin after the session to keep it hydrated and smooth.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, there are some common Cool Peel laser side effects, such as irritation, swelling, and redness. While these go away with time, long-term side effects like scarring and hyperpigmentation can also occur.

Factors that influence side effects include having a pre-existing skin condition, being on medication that affects the skin, and having a darker skin tone. However, seeing an inexperienced and unlicensed practitioner can also increase the risk of side effects after Cool Peel laser treatment.

To mitigate side effects, it’s recommended that you take appropriate pre and post-treatment care seriously. This means staying out of the sun, avoiding certain medications and substances, and not using harsh exfoliants before and after the process. Even if you’re dealing with common side effects, like itching and redness, using an ice pack can reduce discomfort and speed up the healing process.

Get Safe And Effective Cool Peel Laser Treatment At Donna Bella Laser MedSpa

Even though there are a few side effects of Cool Peel laser treatment, ensuring proper pre and post-care can reduce the risk of long-term scarring, hyperpigmentation, or irritation. Call us at Donna Bella Laser MedSpa to schedule a Cool Peel treatment consultation with our licensed specialists.

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